Thursday, August 11, 2005

1f: Entry Point

“I see you had a visit from our local tinbots.” Harley Bay had never been one for the usual, though for the past three years he had settled on an Essential in the guise of a small green monkey. Unlike most embedded humans Harley hadn’t downloaded his entire mind map into the animal; he used it more as a Sectioned mind, but in constant contact with the rest of him. Where the rest of him was I hadn’t a clue, probably in a star ship, a very quick and expensive star ship. “Very well designed.”

“Yes.” I shook his paw and signalled the door closed behind him. “You have something for me?”

“Not much, not meant to be dealing with Hashashi, you know.” Harley smiled, curling his tail around the leg of the chair.

“You’re not meant to be alive.”

I never though a monkey could frown. “True, but my case is on appeal, besides I was framed.” He picked out a small info chip from a concealed pocked in his fur. “Don’t you want this then? Plenty of other bidders, Mr. White is very popular these days.”

I double checked my sound shield. “You destroyed a Lubian habitat.”

“Rumours, damn lies and statistics. No real proof.” He scampered up my arm and rapped my forehead. “You should use that famous analytical brain of yours and come to your own conclusions.”

I tried to swat him away but he was too quick, springing beyond my flailing hand and catching himself on the light fittings. For a moment I watched him swing there. “You destroyed a Lubian habitat.”

Harley shrugged. “Ok, you got me.” He tapped his nose. “But this is just between you and me. It goes no further. My mother would kill me if she found out.”

“Your mother’s dead.”

Harley’s laugh was a cross between a lawn mower and a cheese grater. “Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t kill me.” He bared his teeth in what passed for a smile. “You know what I like about you?” I shook my head. “Your sense of humour, riot a minute you are. Some people in your game, bland as, like ingesting concrete some of them. I remember one guy tried to explain the nuances of the Congregation Monetary system whilst removing this poor soul’s head. Great fun he was.”

I raised my eyebrows. “The chip?”

“Here, freshly pirated from the central comp this morning.” He flung it towards me; it landed on a large black stain. Picking it up off the sticky carpet I slotted it into the interface on the back of my neck. Instantly all the movements of Whitchel White over the past three weeks flooded into my head, alone with his banking details and his associates. All neatly packaged in Harley’s idea of a joke, pink rose petals and the smell of lavender oil.

“Thanks.” I transferred several batter packets into his account.

“You want to hire me?” He asked.

“To do what?”

Harley shrugged again. “Oh, you know, get away driver, partner in crime, strategic thinker, eye candy… anything really.”

I frowned, my finger flinching over the trigger. “Why?”

“I’m bored, need some excitement in my life and you're the kind of guy that exciting things happen to.” He began to lick his paw. “Besides, I like you.”

“How much?”

Harley scratched his head. “Oh, let’s say, nothing?”


“Yes, nothing. Gratis, free, nada. Call it a favour returned.” Suddenly he looked solemn, twirling his arms in the air. “You know, for that thing you did for me.”

“Don’t trust him.” My Sec piped up whilst gorging himself on the new information.

“I wasn’t intending to.”

Harley looked at me, head half cocked to one side. “Is that a yes?”

I sighed. “Yes.”

“Good.” Harley smiled and scampered up to my shoulder as I picked up the briefcase and walked out of the room.


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